Vulva Juckt und brennt weiß aber nicht ob es ein Scheidenpilz ist?

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Hallo zusammen! Ich habe seit einigen Wochen Beschwerden im Intimbereich. Es juckt und brennt aber ich weiß nicht genau, ob das ein Scheidenpilz ist. Ich traue mich auch nicht zur Gynäkologin zu gehen. Außerdem habe ich so komische weiße kleine Bläschen an den Scheidenwänden. Ich habe mal gegoogelt und da stand Talgknoten aber ob es das wirklich ist, weiß ich nicht. Ich habe mal dazu rin Foto hier auf Google gefunden, was genauso bei mir aussieht. Außerdem habe ich auch so ein paar Risse und die jucken auch. Also jucken und brennen tut es denke ich mal wegen den Rissen und den Punkten.

Ich hoffe mir kann jemand helfen! Danke im voraus 🙂

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1 year ago


This can be all, from simply unhygienic or hygienic handling of the intimate area, to allergies, to fungal infection, to bacterial vagina. To get an actual diagnosis is unfortunately the wrong place here.

I can understand that a visit to the gynecologist will scare you out all when you’re young. For the treatment of complaints there is the right place because only there can be and you can help with your problems. With the gynecologist it is not as bad as many always write. Of course, you have to stretch out its shame limit a bit, but if you actually have complaints, it is the only way to quickly alleviate otherwise it could get worse or take very long until it is gone.

There are also gynecologists who have a special education and training on child and youth ecology. They usually also learned how to deal with these age groups and how to behave during a first visit. Sure, there are also those who simply do not have social skills or understanding or understanding. Tolerance however, these often have bad reviews on the Internet as they are not suitable for this profession. Find out a practice that has as many positive reviews as possible, because then you have higher chances of being careful, understanding and quiet doctor or doctor.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



1 year ago
Reply to  Jojo2200

Thank you very much! That makes me a little courage. I’m trying to trust myself and I’m gonna talk to my mother first. Thanks for the motivation and the super nice answer!


1 year ago

Very welcome 🙂

If you have any questions, you can send me a friendship request and write me privately on a good question

1 year ago

Okay, thank you very much!

1 year ago

I was already at the urologist because I was pretty sure I had a fungal infection. The doctor said he doesn’t see anything that looks like fungal infection. Then a smear was made, two days later the call of my urologist “You were right. Come by I’ll write a ointment.”

What are you saying? I write this to show you that not even a specialist on site can reliably detect a fungal infection without having made a smear that is examined in the laboratory.

What do you think we can say here with the poor description? Nothing.

1 year ago

you dare to go to the doctor. no matter what it is, without appropriate treatment (which can and must only be prescribed to you by a doctor) this is not better, but just worse. So go on, give yourself a jerk, there’s nothing to go to the doctor.

1 year ago
Reply to  AryaSaphyra

Thank you. You are the first with a nice comment. I know this is nix, but I’m still young and don’t even dare to talk to my mother about it because it’s unpleasant to me… That’s why I’m asking anonymously on the Internet, but I guess I have to go to the doctor…

1 year ago

I can understand that everything that has to do with primary sexual organs is unpleasant. Socially, such topics are also liked to be kept dead. no worries, this shame can also be well distrained;)

small tip from me: if you don’t dare to speak directly to your mother, then write a note that you can put her in the hand. Then you don’t have to say it out loud at the first moment and still get your help.

1 year ago

Thank you very much

1 year ago

Please inform the symptom of a gynecologist at a time.

You don’t need to be afraid or shame. The right therapy is important.

Good and quick improvement!

1 year ago

“Dr. Google” again…

I don’t have the words. It’s always the same: “why, I don’t want to go to the doctor,” “why, I don’t trust to go to the doctor,” “Heul” here, “Heul” there…

GF is a amateur forum, damn it! And at all: Whether you trust or not, is irrelevant – you won’t get around a gynecologist! So don’t get dressed like that and go. In her daily practice, she still sees quite different things than what you’re so ashamed of!

1 year ago
Reply to  Waldi2007

Sorry, okay? But I’m young and I’ve never been there. I don’t even dare to address my mother for that reason and ask for advice here on the Internet because it’s anonymous too

1 year ago
Reply to  Waldi2007

What a shameless answer! Save such comments. If somebody’s looking for help, you shouldn’t attack anyone like that. Poor girl shouldn’t be ashamed. You do!

1 year ago

I don’t dare go to the gynecologist either.

Then keep itching.

1 year ago

“I do not dare to go to the doctor, but spreading my genitals on the Internet and rubing people unquestioned under the nose is okay”

Go to the doctor Jesus Christ!

1 year ago
Reply to  LePetitGateau

It’s not from me, it’s a picture on the Internet. I only used this as an example

1 year ago

Go to the doctor or buy an antimycotic.

1 year ago

Unconditionally to the doctor…