VST/ Abteilung bei Jobticket?
Hallo, will mir gerade ein Jobticket beantragen (bin Azubi) und hier wird nach meiner Personalnummer und meiner Abteilung (VST) gefragt. Personalnummer habe ich, aber ich weiß nicht was diese Abteilung sein soll?…😭
Was ist das und wo steht die?
Danke im Voraus.
Every company with a few has more than one department. For example, administration, production, development, … to name very rough terms (in large companies this is even more divided).
In case of doubt, ask the instructors and definitely mention the context! It’s probably about the fact that if you go to the employer in connection with the Job Ticket Post, it’s going to land quickly in the right department, e.g. “Personalstelle”.
BTW: So you don’t want a D-ticket, which only applies to local transport and if necessary is subsidized by residential/school/job state if you’re azuubi?