Vrs Schülerticket zu Deutschlandticket Upgrade?

Ist es möglich das VRS Schülerticket zu einem Deutschlandticket upgraden zu lassen?

Und wenn ja, wo, und wie?


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8 months ago

Under https://www.vrs.de/ticketuebersicht/ticket/schuelerticket is also:

Since 01.08.2023with theGermanyticket schoolalso a German-wide offer for students.

The decision,whether and when the offer is offered to Germanyticket School at a school,However, the respective schoolteacher is responsible.Optionally, the school carrier can also decide to maintain the previous offer VRS student ticket.

You will receive detailed information about what offer is planned at what school at your school or school.

A “upgrade” on your own request is therefore not possible.

8 months ago

Unclear question. Is there any subsidy you don’t want to give up? Or is the D-ticket subsidised by the federal state for certain groups such as pupils?

If your contract partner does not offer the right, you must cancel the old subscription in time and book a new subscription in time. You can also talk to your contractor about a change of tariff.
