VR Banking App kein Gesamtsaldo?
ich habe folgendes problem und zwar, habe ich seit 3 tagen online banking freigeschaltet kann mich auch einloggen aber bei „gesamtsaldo“ wird folgendes angezeigt (siehe bilder) und ich kann dann auch kein konto hinzufügen.
Ich bitte um Hilfe
Since I cannot see which bank or This is interpreted purely from the experience:
This looks like the online banking access has been created, but there is still some feedback, perhaps a confirmation of receipt, so that the rights of access are not yet activated.
I also had this with one of my banks: only after the return of the PIN reception, the access was finally unlocked there. Possibly, the release process is only not completed and it is still coming.
If you want to know exactly, you’ll have to call this bank or go by. Gruss
Please call the bank, they have a support and can help you quickly and easily.