VPower, Ultimate oder Super Plus im Roller nutzbar?


An jeder mir bekannten Tankstelle wird irgendein Benzingemisch aus eigener Herstellung angeboten, versprochen wird immer mehr Leistung, mehr Reichweite etc. Aber darum geht es mir garnicht (Ich glaube eh nicht das diese etwas bringen). Ich fragte mich eher ob ich so eine Mischung Problemlos in meine Motowell Magnet 2t Roller (50ccm) verwenden kann. Ich habe dies nämlich heute aus versehen getankt (genaugenommen Ultimate Benzin von Aral). Man sagte mir das es sich dabei um verbleites Benzin handelt welches im endeffekt schlecht für den Motor sei. Stimmt das ?

Danke an jeden der hilfreich antwortet. MfG

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7 years ago


Verbleites Gasoline hasn’t been there for years, it’s even forbidden, and at the 2 tackter it doesn’t matter how much octane the fuel has that it runs even with bad gasoline.

Leaded petrol has been banned in the EU since 2000.

TheQuantitydefines a measure for the ignition unwillingness and thus for the knock resistance of an Otto fuel or Engine gasolines.

Normal/Benzine Lead-free at least 91 ROZ

Super/lead 95 minimum 95 ROZ

SuperPlus/lead free 98 at least 98 ROZ

Shell V-Power 100+ at least 100 ROZ

Aral/BP ultimate102 at least 102 ROZ

Autogas 103 to 111 ROZ

Natural gas 120 to 130 ROZ

E10 (fuel with 10% ethanol) at least 95 ROZ

Racing gasoline is available with 120 ROZ

Formula 1 benzine maximum 102 ROZ

7 years ago

There’s been a long way to get lost petrol.

And if you look at the different tests and listen to the opinions of the buyers of this supersprit in the forums, then it is probably one of 1000 who feels his vehicle runs better with these expensive juices than usual.

7 years ago

This super juice is also lead-free. If you’re tipping in, don’t hurt, but don’t use it. Only your purse is tapped.

These high-octane fuels could possibly bring more power out of the engine if the compaction and engine control were designed to do so.

They’re not. Not at the car, and at the scooter three times. Engines are designed so that they function throughout the civilized world, and the predominant fuel is now super, not superhyperultrator bomaxirgendwas,

It’s different in racing.

7 years ago
Reply to  holgerholger

The normal cars need gasoline, cars that are usually far more sporty need Super+…

Nen colleague had to refuel Super+ in his 118i according to manufacturer 😅

7 years ago
Reply to  RefaUlm

Yes, Superplus isn’t a ULTIMATE or what the Mienral oil companies are so swooping together. And the FS speaks of a scooter.

7 years ago
Reply to  RefaUlm

ride nen Smart Fortwo, who also needs Super Plus – there was Brabus on the work

7 years ago

there is no lead-containing sprit more and in a roller the cheapest sprit is good enough so long there is no diesel.dein motor can not use the advantage of the higher-grade sprits at all, only with very hp strong motors which he is prescribed

7 years ago

No fade it is not it has only a higher octane number (other ignition time) not good for the engine but 1 X is not bad.

7 years ago

I am “one of the 1000” ;o)

I refuel all my motorcycles and also the car with Super Plus.

With reference to all vehicles, I have an approximately 8% higher range and all vehicles run more cleanly throughout the rotating neck area,

In the case of motorcycles (gasifiers), I have not had any dirty idling nozzles ever since. Also the 35-year-old, which was still built for faded sprit, runs smoother.

You’re not making dmait wrong.

However, with my convertible (injector) subjectively had the impression that it runs very well with Super98 / Super Plus, but with Ultimate 102 this effect took off again.

I just tried it once

7 years ago

Who tied up the bear?https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetraethylblei

Don’t worry

7 years ago
Reply to  Antitheismo

what is in the licence/certificate is completely sufficient.

everything else only serves the manufacturer for more money.