Vortragptäsentation in USB stick einführen?
Ich hab son komischen Laptop und das ist alles irgendwie anders als so wies im Netz steht
Zuerst führt man den stick ein. Dann geht man auf die Präsentation.da dann auf Datei und dann speichern unter(bis dahin geht alles) aber dann kommt das hier:
Wie geht es weiter?
You are currently using Microsoft Office 365 as a web application.
Picture of prices from Microsoft Office (Other User)
How to download a copy how to open the download folder I do not help check
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What do you mean?
I don’t care I was so desperate yesterday that I asked a further question but then it was deleted because comunity guidelines violation, but then it got to the happiness
Download a copy. Then you can download the presentation as a .ppt and pack it on your stick.
I am overwhelmed so I have downloaded the now and clicked on the downloaded one now the presentation will be displayed to me again but in a different way.
What is .ppt and how is it?
.ppt is the file format of PowerPoint. How will the presentation be displayed differently?
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On the PC?
With Microsoft account or without?
With Microsoft you pay for many products!
Bullshit. Use it for years and never had to pay.
You have to run office first!
no worries, costs only 69€/year 🙂 I wouldn’t buy it!
I speak from experience.
The has sun orange edge (above a lot) and the functions are restricted that means I could not edit them anymore(there is a hint so funny)