Vorteile Backup Platte intern bei NAS?
Hat es Vorteile, wenn ein Backup Medium im NAS Bay (Synology) verbaut ist?
Die Schreib-/Lesegeschwindigkeit ist egal.
Hat es Vorteile, wenn ein Backup Medium im NAS Bay (Synology) verbaut ist?
Die Schreib-/Lesegeschwindigkeit ist egal.
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A NAS is not a backup medium, but at most a duplicate memory.
Data backups are not permanently made available on the network, but kept separately in a safe place.
How’s that going? The backup is updated at least once a week.
A backup should always be on another device.
So if you play a backup of your PC to a NAS, it is completely i.O. => 2 devices.
If you play a backup from the NAS to the same NAS, it would be just a device.
If I connect the backup medium to the NAS externally (per eSata or USB) does that have what advantages?
I didn’t write “External Connecting”.
What do you mean “other device”? I can also run the backup medium on an external drive adapter. That’s another device?
So a real backup should not be in the NAS, but externally in another safe place.
But the NAS has set up to run multiple disks as RAIS, so that one can break and you don’t lose any data, that’s right, but doesn’t really mean backup.
Ok but the backup should be updated every week versioned.
If the record is in the same system as the original files, you are only secured if you want to look into old file versions. If the NAS burns through, it is successfully attacked and encrypted, for example, you have water damage, fire, whatever, you don’t use the backup because it is affected.
A real backup is only if you play it weekly, or whenever, on an external storage medium and where it is different.
Not really. The backup medium should be separated and kept separately.
A backup disk still needs care, because hard drives and SSDs are not long-term storage.
That would be stupid. I want to keep the backup up to date.