Vorstellungsgespräch, wo sehe ich mich in 5 Jahren?
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Ich habe mich auf eine kaufm. Bürostelle beworben. Beim telef. Vorstellungsgespräch wurde ich gefragt, wo ich mich in 5 Jahren -bei Anstellung- sehe und welche Ideen ich mit in die Firma bringe….Ich habe mich zwar auf der Homepage vorab belesen, aber ich kenne doch den Ablauf intern überhaupt nicht, als dass ich Ideen vorschlagen könnte….
Bin 55, Bürokauffrau mit entsprechender langjähriger Berufserfahrung und auch in der Buchhaltung tätig, konnte aber darauf überhaupt nicht wechseln.
Habt ihr Ideen, was ich da hätte sagen können. Er wollte nicht, dass ich mich gut verkaufe, sondern konkrete Antworten auf seine Fragen. Lieben Dank 🌻
In your age, this question ultimately aims at whether it is “remunerated” for the employer, to hire you and to work on you, or whether you disappear after a few years into the pension (or into permanent sick). In the case of older employees, there is also always the concern whether they are still willing and capable of adapting to new processes, software and co., or to resist any change or innovation.
So that would be the starting points for a good answer for you. Scatter these concerns of the employer, show that you are not yet retired for a long time, that you are still motivated and joyful in developing you professionally, learning new and getting you fully into the job!
I’ve got 12 years ahead of my chest. I did a Datev training two years ago. My training courses are all in the LL, so that the AG sees, there is interest in further education and “they are up to date and willing to learn”
What would you answer in the question “what ideas do you bring with you?”
With the ideas, you should look back on your professional years and consider what you have introduced and implemented there. Do not have to be big projects! There’s something like “I’ve been intensively shaping the transition to digital document posting” in the current job. Something like that would be two flies with one flap – also shows the openness for new things. But what is so concrete with you, you have to think about yourself!
Otherwise, never assume that your counterpart has studied your complete resume, including all data, at the very best, and in the head has also surpassed what has already been here! Lead this in the conversation itself – “I have always been very regular and happy to participate in further education, for example on the innovations at DATEV. Keeping my professional knowledge up-to-date and enjoying further topics is and remains a goal for me in the coming years!”
At this point, you can also consider whether this is an industry or a corporate structure with which you have had few to no experience. Then, as a 5-year plan, for example, you can also say that you want to extend your expertise in this area to this field / this niche.
Like my colleague, who also started accounting at the middle of 50. Several decades of work in tax consultancy in baggage – and then it is clear that she has a total desire to practice her profession now “on the other side” and to get involved in the special features of club booking!
You should know where you see yourself in 5 years.
We don’t know your plans, wishes, or what else you’ll have in mind.
I always find it interesting to ask for the future and to forget the present.
Where I see myself at a job in 5 years, I can’t answer in advance if I don’t know if there are some chances of ascent. It was not a private answer
you say it’s a little queue – what do you want to get up big – except marrying the boss?
I think I’d answer that again in five years.
Perhaps you should have said: in 5 years I see myself as the boss’s wife!
A reason why I didn’t like anything
These questions are so old-fashioned there is no right answer for.
I would have replied to this question bluntly “When your boss ” and if I hadn’t got the job then, his problem, not mine.
Absolutely. With such questions, not only internally, I turned my eyes at some point.
I could probably not have told myself that I could well imagine taking the recruiting and implementing another system of interviewing applicants. It looks like it’s important to arrive in the modern world!
when he asks where you see yourself in 5 years: “On your armchair!”
If you knew in detail what places there are in the administration and in which you can rise, you could have called them. Maybe “head of administration” or “assistance of management”. If not, you could have answered: accountant of a prospering company that writes black numbers.
It was a very small company, would be the only office aunt;)
I would answer that question as it is. Right: I can’t answer. In 5 years, a lot can happen, I could get sick.