Vorstellungsgespräch Fachinformatiker Systemintegration/Anwendungsentwicklung?

Hi, ich habe bald Vorstellungsgespräche für beide im Titel genannte Ausbildungen. Da diese meine erste Ausbildung sind, würden sie wahrscheinlich nichts zu den Themen programmieren und Systeme fragen oder? Klar vielleicht basics, sowas wie Begriffe erklären aber ich habe wirklich nur das Standard wissen bei solchen Themen. Sollte ich mich vorher dennoch mit Programmiersprachen auseinander setzen und anderen dazugehörigen Themen die wichtig sein könnten (Datenbanken usw). Oder kommt das alles wirklich erst nur in der Ausbildung dran? Habe Angst, dass mein “Vorwissen” nicht ausreichend für das Gespräch sei.

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2 months ago

You don’t need any pre-knowledge at the recruitment test.

I did the training as a specialist in the field of application development and as far as I remember the tasks related to

  • English
  • Basic knowledge IT
  • Education
  • Logical thinking

If you’ve applied for both, you should still prepare yourself to ask yourself why. In the first year, the two professions share the same substance in the vocational school, i.e. application developers learn network technology and system integrators learn programming, but then they develop into their or their main focus.

Do you know where to go?

2 months ago
Reply to  ibimskiara

If you have already made an aptitude test online at company A and are now invited to this company A, you know your results, yes.

In my application there was also an online test and if you had passed it, you were invited to the Assessment Center.

That is where you are with other applicants and there are most likely again tests. With us it was that there were again tests on English, maths, basic knowledge IT and logical thinking, but also group work to test team skills. All those who then passed came to the interview the same day.