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2 years ago

Not at all, you’re calling and politely asking if you can find out the reasons – in writing you’ll only learn that someone else was better qualified, you’re not using anything.

2 years ago
Reply to  Senem78965

Then you don’t have to ask. You’ll get the information they’ve occupied the place in the meantime. It has nothing to do with you, and you can’t learn from it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Senem78965

Doesn’t change, there are only oral reasons to be found.

2 years ago

You could call and ask what you could improve to have better chances with a comparable job in the future.

Because by phone you will get more information than in writing. Where many companies only say “for other applicants decided” completely without justification, because nowadays people complain about discrimination because of every small thing and because companies don’t like it. This has assumed such outbreaks, even from cases where there was no one, that the cases where there is really that are more and more difficult to find, because simply often no applicant gets any more information about what it was.

2 years ago

had an interview but then got a message?

It’s normal, it can happen.

The best way to call and ask politely what it was.

2 years ago

accept the message, you will not change it with a phone call or a letter. the decision has fallen for someone else.

2 years ago
Reply to  Senem78965

Okay, then you can call and ask; but I suspect you’ll only get inconclusive explanations, but no 2nd chance.