Vorstellungsgespräch – alle fachliche Fragen beantworten?
Muss man im Vorstellungsgepsräch alle fachliche Fragen richtig beantworten?
Mich wundert es, dass man trotz geforderter Qualifikation, die auch Zeugnismäßig vorliegen alle Fachfragen wie ein ausgearbeiter Fragekatalog beantwortet werden muss.
Wenn alle Beweber alle Fragen gleich beantworten würden, kann auch passierren in Auswahlrunden, je nach Beweberlage, warum der Fragenkantalog so ein Stellenwert hat?
Because you can quickly falsify testimonials and jelly or are outdated or… so as a company you have a current knowledge of the questions that you are interested in
I have original testimonials and possess a normal way of life with profession and further education for this executability with us who want to work I find no longer need to be.
I’ve had conversations, and the questions were re-arranged in the conversation.
This can be quite – not even the content it has to be – can also be a “patience test” whether you stay there objectively, correctly and politely – or depending on the situation, whether you dare to say that it was already there, etc. etc.