Vorschläge für den praktischen Teil meiner Projektarbeit?

Hey Leute

ich bräuchte Vorschläge für den praktischen Teil meiner Projektarbeit über Elektro und Hybrid Fahrzeuge . Vielleicht hat ja einer von euch paar Ideen die er mit mir teilen möchte .

Vielen Dank im Voraus !

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5 years ago

Supply a steam engine. You’ll drive a generator on the one battery. The battery drives an E motor. Simulate that the steam engine as well as the E motor drives something that benefits.

5 years ago

Depending on how extensive this should be:

  • Construction of a “training model” (modifications on model vehicle, with measuring points etc.)
  • Create a “Didaktik Kit”
  • Partial solution such as battery management system
  • BLDC – Engine with control (test stand construction)
  • Conversion of a bicycle to e-bike
  • Conversion of a “burner” cart to an e-kart
  • Conversion of an old motorcycle / cars to the e-vehicle
5 years ago

A model is always clear.

Maybe the rebuild of a battery?

5 years ago
Reply to  Nayes2020

For what subject – physics, economy, mechatronics?