Vorschläge für chices Ballkleid?

Habt ihr schöne (Ball)kleider, die ihr empfehlen könnt?
Ich gehe auf eine Party mit dem Motto Glamour/Roter Teppich/ Chic…

Ich könnte auch gut Ideen für Schuhe, Make up und so gebrauchen

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3 months ago

Heyy, if you’re looking for ball gowns, Peek&Cloppenburg usually has a section with beautiful ball gowns.

Besides, I would not buy a ball gown online, but would go straight and try. In ball dresses, something often doesn’t fit like the e.g. the length of the dress or it just doesn’t look as you imagined it.

I hope you find your dream dress <3

  • and makeup I think I would fit a smokey eye look(mob wife makeup) or some glitter. If you need products, I can recommend them. But, of course, always comes to the dress

(In addition, if you have some time I would ask you to help me with my question on my profile)