Vorratspackung Soße für Gemüse Instant?
Ich such jetzt schon zienlich lange aber finde nichts ideales. Vielleicht kann jemand was empfehlen?
Eine Vorratspackung (preiswert) für Instant Gemüßesoßen (zb. Helle Sauce, Bechamel, Hollondaise). Also gerne auch als Pulver. Möglichst günstig. Gerne Bio, aber kein Muss.
1 l of vegetable oil/ 1kg of butterschmalz, 1kg of flour, 1l UHT milk salt pepper nutmeg, if desired all in organic quality, of course still butter and eggs but they are not so long lasting. Cheapest and healthiest variant.
And where is the vegetables
the sauces should not be with vegetables….
I can only recommend self-made and not instant sauces. Go fast, is inexpensive, tastes better and is healthier.
If, however, it must be instant stuff, and this in a large pack, then only the metro or the like will remain.
make yourself
You’d have to go to a wholesale. Metro has something like that.
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