Vorhautverengung mit 14?
Ich bin 14 (fast 15 Jahre alt) und ich habe das Problem, dass ich meine Vorhaut nicht besonders weit zurückziehen kann. Sie liegt (wie in dem Bild) über der Eichel und ich kann sie im steifen Zustand maximal 2-3 cm runterziehen. Ich habe Angst, dass es eine vorhautverengung ist. Im schlaffen Zustand geht sie 4-5 cm runter.
Ich will damit nicht zu meinen Eltern gehen…
Löst sich das noch mit dem älter werden bzw. gibt es einen Zeitpunkt, an welchen die Beschneidung spätestens in Betrachtung kommt? (Also ein alter)
Ich danke für antworten
I’d go to a doctor in your place. Your shielding doesn’t sound so tragic because you can pull it back a bit. I would avoid circumcision.
I also had a constriction with about 5 years of intervention on the bench; Since then, it goes back sufficiently far, even if it goes further backwards with others.
Since the foreskin is still tight, I still have a lot of oak cheese, but that doesn’t bother me;-)
Go to the doctor. Either to a pediatrician, a general practitioner or a urologist. They can judge it best.
You don’t have to be embarrassed, and as long as you’re not privately insured, no one gets you there and what the possible diagnosis is.
At the end of puberty, there should be no more problems with the foreskin, at the latest you should think about a circumcision. Unless you want it before.
A circumcision is not bad. I also cut (M15)
Let your pediatrician look at it. Believe me, he sees every day. Maybe you can clarify something else with an ointment and stretch. But better not by itself
I want to tell my parents
With 15 you can go to the doctor alone without the knowledge of parents
The foreskin is obviously slightly narrowed. Actually, this is a topic that the pediatrician is looking at. Not yours? Talk to him the next time. Maybe you’ll go alone if you don’t want to envision your parents.
Just go to the pediatrician. It would be the best.
All good for you!
This is natural if the foreskin is not regularly pulled over the acorn.
Next time you wash some care oil and stretch the skin. Maybe the girlfriend will help? That’s after some time.
Leave and good it is