Vorhautsverengung wie behandeln?
Ich habe eine Vorhautsverengung, meine Vorhaut kriege ich im erigierten Zustand vollständig zurückgeschoben, doch dann wird meine Eichel eingeschnürt, wird lila und ich kriege leichte Schmerzen, ich trage eine verschriebene Cortisionssalbe seid mehr als 1 Monat jede Nacht auf, doch bis jetzt hat es nicht geholfen
Was habe ich für eine Vorhautsverengung und wie muss ich das behandeln ?
To apply the ointment is not enough. You need to stretch the foreskin after a few minutes of action by pulling them back so far with erected penis that it spans, but just does not hurt. You keep the tension as long as possible and after a short relaxation you can repeat it as often as possible.
If possible, you should do this 3 times a day with numerous repetitions. Basically, it is more common than violent.
As you describe it, you have relatively good chances of eliminating the pre-skin ridge, as you can pull it back and only the lace ring has to be expanded.
Good luck!
Pre-skin constriction (Phimose) can be treated with a cortisone-like ointment. If you have a lichen sclerosus et atrophicans(more rarely with men), this ointment is also applied. However, skin disease is not curable, so it must take place a circulatory (circulation).
After 1 month, she should have helped. The doctor can tell you more, but it’s gonna be the best if you’re cut.
Do you have to stretch the foreskin?
Only apply does not bring anything if you have to withdraw the pre-skin
You’ve already got advice on how to do it
That should be a doctor and not yourself. Just call and say the ointment doesn’t bring anything. In the worst case: Schnipp Snap Vorhaut ab