Vorhautbändchen zu kurz?oder normal?

Hey habe eine frage ob mein vorhaut bändchen zu kurz ist ich kann das hinter die eichel zihen aber wenn ich es weiter nach hinten zihen will ensteht ein druck am bändchen ist das normal

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1 year ago

Yeah, normal. The acorn must be exposed. Furthermore, the foreskin does not have to go back.

1 year ago

The foreskin must be completely exposed without the bead hurts or the acorn pulling down. (Great and erection)

If you pull the foreskin to the back, it will eventually come to the pressure feeling.

If it’s been moving backwards before, you should go to the doc. So it depends on how far you move. Don’t exaggerate, but still painlessly back.

1 year ago

The best is when the Frenulum is away. Every urologist can do this because it is a small encroachment. Then the foreskin is more freely movable. I have removed my Frenulum myself and I am very happy as a masturbate so it is very pleasant when the fore skin slides more freely over the glans