Vorhaut verklebung?
Ich gehe im Juni zum Urologen. Ich habe eine vorhautverklebung und ich versuche die wegzubekommen, indem ich mein Penis in eine Schüssel Wasser hänge und soweit nach hinten ziehe wie möglich. Ich kann sie zu 1/8 weit zurückziehen. Das mach ich seit 4 Wochen und es hat sich nichts geändert. Denke dass nach 10 Wochen auch nix passieren wird. Ist es wahrscheinlich dass der Urologe mir eine Creme verschreibt und das es damit dann besser wird oder muss ich mich beschneiden lassen. Ich weiß dass kann hier keiner beantworten aber vielleicht hat ja jemand die selbe Erfahrung gemacht
A circumcision is rarely necessary. Don’t worry. Trust the doctor. A bond can be released. A constriction can be treated.
How old are you? Usually the bonds remain due to a Frenulum Breve. You can’t stretch that, you have to operate. It is also possible to take with it the advantage of the circumcisioned pre-skin when it is operated and everything is dusted.
It’s best that the urologist takes a look at it; maybe your foreskin is too narrow.
I also had a constriction and therefore already with about 5 years an intervention on the bench, no circumcision. Since then, my foreskin has gone a long way back, even if it goes farther behind in other men.
Since she remains tight, I always have acorn cheese, but that doesn’t bother me
Try it mall with oil from which can help
With oil? I don’t know
Try it from OK I myself am circumcised
I hope I could help you
I know that’s why I’m out of my wall. Problem Arber I had to read myself humble. Because of a disease it worked with me arber with oil
I am uncircumcised
Are you sure it’s just a bond and not a constriction? That you can only release so little from your acorn just makes me stubborn. The layman sometimes finds it difficult to recognize the difference. Since you already have a doctor’s appointment anyway, leave the soaking and cancelled its result.
Can be both. It should be glued, because it is skin thread that pulls from the icy to the edge
This actually sounds like sticking, but you get it away by long soaking the foreskin into warm water.
I don’t know, I’ve had the warm water at the age of 11.
Maybe it’ll take a bit. Luckily, I’ve already made an initial date, how is the glue removed from the urol?
A bonding is quite easy to release. Mostly with an anesthetic ointment. The urologist should get this outpatient and if it’s just a glue, it should have done after the appointment.
Stretching or even surgery is not necessary and absolutely unlikely that the doctor recommends that.
It looks different when the skin is not only glued, but also narrowed. In that case, he would probably write you an ointment. Only if it doesn’t help, you could think about an surgery.
Oh, so I just get this cream on the day and if everything goes well, is everything okay? That would be great
Such a miracle will not happen.
The cream is only for local anesthesia so you don’t have any pain.
That’s why I asked for it.
Oh, it was wrong. Thank you
You can gently stretch your foreskin in warm water or with a cortisone ointment. But slowly and cautiously so no cracks are created that can scare. Scars can be stretched badly. This is a long process but it is worth it. Cutting is the dumbest thing you can do you have only disadvantages. M
So I’ve been cut with 14 but my foreskin was far enough. But I know the difference and know what’s better…
You should consider if you want to have this long-term stretch story with the ointment. If you let yourself be cut, you’ll get rid of the problem quickly and have all the advantages of circumcision.