Vorhaut läsct sich nicht runterziehen?
Hallo, ich Bin M16
Die frage kling bisjen ekelig und komisch,
Aber ist ein problem das mich wirklich stört
Nämlich kann ich meine vorhaut nicht richtig kommplet nach unten ziehen, da ein stück davon (kp wie ich das richtig erklären soll) klebt aber an der Eichel, und lässt sich aus dem grund nur leicht runterziehen,
Das ist wirklich nicht gerade das grösste problem aber ich wollte fragen ob man dagegen was machen kann,
Oder ob das so soll
At your age, the foreskin should be able to be retracted completely. It is either too short a pre-skin band (frenulum breve) or a physiological bond that should have been solved by itself for a sixteen year. Anyway, it should look at a urologist. Both causes are easy to fix.
The pre-skin bonding, which is completely normal at young age, has probably just not completely dissolved. Ask your pediatrician for help.
You can gently stretch your foreskin in warm water or with a cortisone ointment. But slowly and cautiously so no cracks are created that can scare. Scars can be stretched badly. This is a long process but it is worth it. Cutting is the dumbest thing you can do you have only disadvantages. M
Go to the urologist. He fixes that, doesn’t believe the other nonsense.
circumcision would help completely there and he would then also look more aesthetic
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