Vorhaut geht nicht über die eichel?
Hallo ich bin seit ich 2 bin beschnitten und die vorhaut geht nicht über die eichel also nicht mal 1cm ist das normal?
Hallo ich bin seit ich 2 bin beschnitten und die vorhaut geht nicht über die eichel also nicht mal 1cm ist das normal?
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Ich habe seit gestern Probleme mit meiner Eichel bzw an manchen Stellen ist es etwas gerötet und im verlaufe des heutigen Tages ist diese zwar zurückgegangen aber dennoch da und es haben sich mehrere Risse gebildet. Beides ist zum ersten Mal bei mir aufgetreten weshalb ich mal fragen wollte ob es was schlimmes ist wo…
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Yeah, that’s it. The circumcision is supposed to release the acorn so that there is no more inflammation.
Yeah, that’s quite normal in a radical circumcision. The foreskin is then gone and can logically no longer be drawn.
Yeah, so if your foreskin has been removed, of course, she can’t go over the acorn anymore. That’s normal.
If you get a so-called “High & Tight” circumcision, the foreskin no longer goes over the acorn. This is the sense that the acorn 24/7 is worn freely.
But I mean I can’t even wrinkle with ’cause the front skin doesn’t go on the ice
You need to work with a lot of fluid, spit or gliding gel e.g.
Otherwise, vegetable oil such as liquid coconut oil should also go. So for SB stop, not for sex with condom, but it’s not about that.
What do you expect? Off. Depending on how much preskin has been removed, this is completely normal.
SB still goes great.
When I run sb it’s still going over or on the icy
That’s quite logical if you’re circumcised. It is also not necessary that she goes over the icy because the washing is also very much fun without pre-skin
does not have to, works very well even without pre-skin over acorn. I’m so much fun too.
I guess who you’re circumcised is that your acorn is free, right?
This should be so after circumcision
If they are not free then you will not be circumcised
It’s normal if you’re cut! Take gliding gel, olive oil or the like.
Because you’re cut – yes.
Yeah, I’m afraid you cut them off. What’s not there can’t be over the acorn.