Pretreatment braces for Bimax surgery?

I have an underbite and my treatment will start soon. I'm getting braces because my bottom teeth point inwards, meaning they're not straight but crooked (180 degrees). I'm doing a "decompensation with a change in the interincisal angle". My question is, will this make my side profile worse? My friends say that you can't really see that I have an underbite, but I'm worried that the braces will make it worse, so that it's really noticeable. During my operation, my lower jaw will be sawed off (I don't know how else to say it) and my upper jaw will be sawed forward, and my chin will also be "sawed off". I'm not afraid of the operation itself, just the braces. I already feel so uncomfortable because of my side profile and if it gets worse, I don't know what to do.

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3 months ago


everything that changes the brace makes it better.

The lower bite is not treated with the brace, which is done later with the surgery.

Your friends may be very nice, but if there’s an O.R., it’s a blind person who sees something wrong. Otherwise it would not be possible to do so;-)

Good luck!
