Vor was hätten Menschen mehr angst?
Aus Selbstverteidigungs gründen frage ich mich ob nur das zeigen von einen Schlagstock oder Messer ausreichen würde, um jemanden angst einzujagen und somit für beide Parteien lebendig bzw unversehrt raus zu kommen.
Vor was habt ihr mehr angst? und vor was hätte Die Mehrheit angst?
Talk to the police. There are regular information and courses on self-defense.
When I was a teenager, for example, there was a stark change in behavior. What used to be good and useful in self-defense was “simply” much worse. Because the criminals have adapted.
The police watch trends and give up-to-date tips.
Most people are actually afraid of big dogs.
I don’t know yet
A dog is a living that needs love! No abuse as a weapon!
Knife is visually unequivocal. You wouldn’t recognize that
Well, you can see a telescopic bumper clearly.
I’m not afraid of a bat, from a knife
Good Friday
whether or not