Advantages and disadvantages of esterol in everyday life and the environment?

I am writing a chemistry exam tomorrow and have to name the advantages and disadvantages of esters in everyday life and for the environment, but I cannot find anything on the Internet

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3 years ago

It is a very stupid habit of teachers to ask for the advantages and disadvantages of substances or – in this case – whole groups of substances. Substances only occur somewhere and have certain properties. Esters, for example, as aroma substances, solvents and at zig points in the body, for example as DNA. You don’t know where to start.

Just look at what’s in the book or your documents and see some stuff. Or write Wikipedia 3 to 5 things you know and understand right away. Doesn’t have to be complete.

3 years ago

For example, the most frequent representatives, fatty acid triglycerides:

Advantage: Have high energy density.

Disadvantage: Make thicker than tired.

Thus, the same property, depending on the way of view, is a pre- or a disadvantage.

MeisterRuelps, UserMod Light

That’s a little short-term learning what you don’t know when you write tomorrow.

Consider the structure of the esters and consider what this means for the solubility of different substances.

You can find out more application very easily using Google etc.

Also consider whether a preparation of esters is favourable (rentable)

MeisterRuelps, UserMod Light
Reply to  Joycelifi

If you haven’t closed these gaps yourself, and you know the reasons. Will it not help you to call the other approaches as you should apply them to your knowledge.

You knew about the exam before. Research on what I wrote up to you and then maybe you should come with a blue eye from it