Vor einer woche Grippe Impfung?

Hallo ich habe vor einer woche die Grippe Impfung bekommen und jetzt tut mir der arme immer noch weh. Habe auch schon gekühlt und ibus genommen hat alles nix geholfen. Was kann ich tun. Lg

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4 months ago

Nothing, just wait.

4 months ago

Since the pain lasted for so long, another doctor’s visit might be appropriate.

There are rare side effects of vaccinations in which only the doctor can eliminate the pain at the puncture site.

Another possibility consists of the (more frequent) fibril cracks, which also occur in some types of muscle cats due to heavy loads.

Then your arm would just hurt in certain postures. That should be over in a few days.

Have also cooled and taken ibus has helped everything nix. What can I do? Lg

Protect your arm, and if it doesn’t work, go to the doctor quickly.