Vor Darmspiegelung aus Versehen das falsche gegessen?
Hallo ihr Lieben,
bei mir geht es gerade gesundheitlich drunter und drüber und ich hetzte von einer Untersuchung zur nächsten. Einmal musste meine Darmspiegelung verschoben werden. Sie ist jetzt nächsten Dienstag. Vier Tage vorher sollte ich eigentlich schon auf die Ernährung achten und habe es echt einfach vergessen. Es gab Spinatnudeln zum Mittag mit Tomate 🙈 So dumm. Ist dies ein Grund, die darmspiegelung abzusagen ? Rotkohl fällt morgen wohl auch aus, was ? Liebe Grüße
The problem is:
Foods consisting of grains and seeds (including tomatoes, kiwi, strawberries, etc.) should therefore not be eaten a few days before, as the grains and seeds often settle in the intestine for a long time. They can also not be completely flushed out of the intestine during removal and then block the view of what’s under the intestinal reflection.
The fact that individual grains and cores are present in the mirroring is that the gastroenterologist must also find out, because in individual cases they may also be in the intestine for weeks. However, if there are too many, the doctor may not overlook the intestinal walls.
Noodles shouldn’t be that problem. But red cabbage in no case tomorrow, it’s hard to digest. Now only liquid! Brew is ok or soups passed. Much drink. Monday then the preparation begins with the removal solution. Then only clear liquids are added.
All right.
and a clot? Is it possible?
Why such heavy dishes? Clearly, it’s not until Monday. But in your place, I’d rather do anything to make the intestine really clean before I might need another appointment. Then don’t shut up.
Cook the mother-in-law tomorrow, we all didn’t have the investigation on the screen. Since I don’t eat meat, etc., and potatoes on my note are still suggested for two days before mirroring, I had just asked myself.
Actually, it’s not a reason to move the mirror, when it comes to being carried away, everything will come out anyway.
But please remember.
That’s okay. These aren’t hard-to-digest stuff you ate.