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2 years ago


It depends on purity. It can be a 10th gram, with good quality! If you’re not used to it, you can reach less (20th grams). Then you just fall around, the body is fighting for a while until a breathing depression starts and you suffocate… you don’t get anything from that…and end!

But even with ex consumers who are clean and “produce” a fallback, it can have fatal consequences even if they take much less than the former dose in this fall. The body can react hypersensitively to it and tilt around! It even happens more often…

That’s why.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hustensaft698

No, you don’t feel anything, it’s like a movie break!

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

This can’t be answered on a flat-rate basis. Because how a substance acts on a person is highly individual and also variable. In addition to the dose, there are also genetics, gender, weight, emotional and physical condition, daily form and expectations (Set), and the environment (Setting) a role.

You can find a lot of general information about the effects and side effects usually generated and the known risks associated with consumption here:

Suspicion: You don’t stand alone, even if it feels so. There’s always some help. Please contact professionals if you don’t feel good. Here various ways are shown:

“Help for children & teenagers in emergencies”, Krisen-und-konflikt/hilfe-kinder-jugendliche-notlagen

“Help for mental problems: You can contact these places”,

You can now call the telephone services:

0800/1110111 and 0800/1110222

2 years ago

No one knows that because it is unclear what was used on extenders. You can get an allergic shock or just die of the extenders. And no one knows how high the purity is.

2 years ago

Hey, I’ve taken a variety of opiates/opioides for over a year and ended up in substitution.

I do not recommend the consumption of heroin at all, but I can tell you that a tens can be fatal for a beginner… even if the substance is good… and you realize that, for example, only after a few minutes and it could be too much so I was rarely alone…

3 months ago

In the case of an inexperienced consumer or someone with no opioid tolerance, a dose of 5 to 10 milligrams of pure heroin can already be fatal. This is because heroin suppresses breathing, which can lead to a respiratory arrest (temdepression).

5 months ago

Age, people

How can you seriously answer this? The author is in my opinion in a suicidal version.