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1 year ago

I don’t think the price is the seller on eBay. Yours seems to be in a worse condition, but if you put it in for half on eBay, it at least excites attention and maybe you get deals.

If he is very “national socialist” in terms of content, from time to time a few crosses of hooks, these “time documents” reach certain collectors.

1 year ago
Reply to  aeffchen187

Perhaps you have seen that the seller also offers another, somewhat younger calendar for the same price, that is dreamy.But it doesn’t matter. I personally like the way of representation on the cover sheets and the art, also the modes of socialist topics, as it was later used in the GDR later for propaganda posters. But also in the art of public buildings. There are original, also posters, quite rare and are highly traded. I also find the fascination of documents, including contemporary witness reports or diaries, private mail/field mail extremely exciting and sometimes the tears come to me, which has already been disposed of in the garbage over the decades. Love

1 year ago

Sure. Just stay patient. There are people who spend a lot of money and some who give you 5 euros