Von welchem Tier stammt diese Losung (Foto)?

Die Losung wurde heute in einem Wohngebiet neben einem Weg gefunden und ist vielleicht 2 Tage alt. Es befinden sich wahrscheinlich Kirschkerne darin.
Könnte es ein Marder sein? Oder ein Igel (wir haben hier mehrere Igel, die von mir versorgt werden)?

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8 years ago

No marten, don’t definitif! We have one, Marder looks different…

I also think a bird

8 years ago

Looks more like a bird… Greater way, which way is not to say.

8 years ago

Marders make more sausage. That looks like vogelkot. Maybe a raven

8 years ago

Okay, something else… why are you getting the hedgehog? They can do it without you! They only become dependent on you and then don’t leave. Let nature go through your own thing!

8 years ago
Reply to  gehweida

So first, yes it is wrong to feed the hedgehog in summer! hedgehogs can only be fed before winter sleep and then only if they are too easy for winter. Nature makes it smart, more young animals are born than necessary and so survive the strongest…. You’re helping out with a superstition.

Secondly, I know that I did not answer your question, so I also initiated my answer so that we know it has nothing to do with the right question.

But in order to help, I asked my friend Google because I wasn’t sure if it was hedgehog, fox or mader. My friend then told me that it should be a Mader. LG Martin