Von welchem Maler stammt diese Signatur?
Hallo zusammen, wir haben vor einigen Jahren ein Bild aus einem Nachlass gekauft, ursprünglich wegen des Rahmens. Da wir damals 2 Bilder erstanden haben und nur einen Rahmen benötigten interessiert uns nun wer dieses Bild hier gemalt hat. Auf dem Foto haben wir nur die Signatur fotografiert in der Hoffnung das irgendjemand weiß wer sich hier verewigt haben könnte. Ich freue mich über eure Unterstützung
Good evening and welcome,
I cannot decipher the signature; but it is a very prominent painter qualtity.
With this hunting motif, it reminds me of an English artist
Is there a relation to England?
I can’t answer that. It comes from a legacy of a well-being older gentleman who lived directly on the Rhine in Düsseldorf. Whether and where he had it, his survivors could not answer us. It seems to have been painted on a wooden plate, which I find quite unusual.
Perhaps the artist had no access to a screen for this frame size during this time.
I used to use a chipboard for a large frame, with non-standard dimensions. With a primer it can be painted easily.
A really beautiful painting; Congratulations
Uh, now I’m irritated. For me, it was like a conversation. Of course I thank you for your information that’s 100 times more than I knew before. I was not aware that I should write this after every sentence. no problem DANKE DANKE DANKE DANKE DANKE
Yes, the frame belongs to the painting and comes around 1880 + i.e. about 1900
A thank you would also be happy to me; is common here, though not with you!
What we are also interested in is the frame, is it part of the picture?
Bares for Rares is nice to look at, but too often I get the feeling that is very nicely denounced here and the bidders far below bid what an item is actually worth.
I fully agree with you
As written: not Bares for Rares
Oh, not at all, has already happened to me; no problem, I can live with it:)
Bares for Rares is nice to look at, but too often I get the feeling that is very nicely denounced here and the bidders far below bid what an item is actually worth.
Excuse me for the negative click, I don’t get it away I actually wolt answers
I can understand.
If you want a good expertise, apply Art & Krempl, BR 3; is a long way, but it is worth it; not Bares for Rares
We like the picture and we still care who painted it and especially when. I find it exciting that the ladies seem to ride in the ladies’ seat and this is more unusual today.
Sorry, but I almost don’t know. Maybe my eyes are too bad.
LG MysteryMan
I’m really sorry. I’ve photographed the whole picture with frames, maybe it’ll help.