Von überall aus Geld verdienen?
Sagt Mal ich sehe Regelmäßig Werbung von Leuten die einem versprechen von überall und flexibel Geld verdienen zu können.
Nun zu meiner Frage. Gibt es so etwas eigentlich auch wirklich das es Jobs gibt bei denen man als Quereinsteiger von überall aus Arbeiten kann?
Also ich Frage nicht aus dem Grund um schnell Geld und Work Life Balance Kram sondern eher weil ich eine Angststörung habe und absolut Probleme damit habe unterwegs zu sein.
Und Psychologische Hilfe kann ich wohl so 2030 erwarten und das Nur wenn alle Planeten in einer bestimmten Position stehen 🙄🙄🙄
These promotional clips are cocoolores – so they earn at most the providers by naive creditors who book their courses.
Otherwise, you have to expect a few months before you have a fixed therapy place. Crisis talks can take place beforehand. As a rule, a list of short-term places will also be included in your region. Call that and ask!
Good wishes for you!
The next therapist is about 120km away at the Kassenarzt Vereinigung. That wouldn’t be a problem. If I don’t need psychic help. I get panic attacks when I’m on my way. I have to go shopping alone for an hour.
I can’t imagine that with the 120 km… you’re very remote. But good… there seems to be creativity in demand.
So, in principle, there are jobs that are done exclusively via a PC and via the Internet. This can be done theoretically from anywhere, provided there is everything you need.
Whether you come into question for such jobs and whether you can make the one-fcah sometimes as a cross-release is another question.
People who say something on the Internet don’t always tell the truth.
Yes that these people speak with “Come into the group” or “out of the hamster wheel” bullshit knows yes…but that doesn’t come from about.
I mean a retraining would probably go faster than to “Heil” my condition
I work with a “out of the hamster wheel” company and I’m very happy with it. 😀 Everyone must decide what he wants!
I can’t judge. Keep in mind about reputable jobs you could do from home.
I’m sure I can explain. Meld like you!
How does that work? So really seriously… I have to look for alternatives to not sit on the street at some point because of my illness…