von Türkei Einreise nach Deutschland?
Die Mutter meines Freundes wohnt seit einigen Jahren in der Türkei, ihr deutscher pass sowie Ausweis ist abgelaufen. Jetzt möchte sie allerdings wieder nach Deutschland reisen, da wir ein Baby erwarten und jetzt meine Frage kann sie trotzdem kommen? Mit nur einen türkischen Pass?
It is best to have a new passport issued. Otherwise with the expired travel.
Only with the Tunisian passport is not possible, because it is only allowed to prove itself as German against German beekeepers with German papers. This is also possible with already expired German references.
From the Tuerkei, it can naturally travel with the Tunisian Pass. But if the airline then the expired German passport is sufficient to prove that it is allowed to enter Germany without a visa?
Your friend’s mother needs a visa for entry.
Read more here: http://www.tuerkischebotschaft.de/entry regulations/
As a German, she does not need a visa to enter Germany.
Well, but only if she can prove German citizenship.
It has an expired German identity card and an expired German passport. That’s enough.
Even if they strike at the border without papers and reveal themselves as Germans, they would not be rejected. Then, because of the identification, it would only take about laenger.
Then you should turn to the German embassy and renew your passport.