Von Privat zu privat online ID verifizieren?
Hallo Leute, da es mir leider schon 2 mal passiert ist dass ich einem online Betrüger aufgesessen bin, habe ich mir Gedanken gemacht, wie man sich vor einem Kauf von privat zu privat über videochat selbst gegenseitig verifizieren könnte. Vielleicht indem man sich gegenseitig die Ausweise zeigt, dabei den Namen, Geburtsdatum und Adresse aus dem Stegreif aufsagt. Ein Betrüger wird das bei einer gestohlenen Identität nicht auf Anhieb können aber der Echte weiß hoffentlich wie er heißt und wo er wohnt, bzw. geboren ist.
Oder geht es einfacher?
LG Hermann
Go back and pick up. I definitely wouldn’t do that with that pass. Otherwise spend more money and buy from reputable dealers
Really? Do you really think I’m so stupid and wouldn’t do that if it wasn’t too far? And what is the motivation to buy something needed? In 99% of cases because you don’t have the money to buy it new.
Then look for offers nearby or just take the risk, as well as giving buyer protection via PayPal e.g.
What else are we gonna give you other advice? To give sensitive data to a stranger from the internet price is quite unwise
You have no right to ask another person for his ID. You can do it, but the person is not obliged to you.
Go ahead and pick up your stuff yourself. And pay in cash on site.
@ JustASingle please read my answer about you. With regard to the right to do so, of course, this is based on reciprocity and free will.
@ all:
Of course, my motivation for this question is that it is too far away that it is new too expensive and that it is also within the meaning of the seller to know that the bug is also serious.
So please consider just how it is meant before something is written.
If everything was as simple as the two quick mailers before me, there wouldn’t be this problem.
It’s just the opposite, with PP friends can’t get back at all and with the other option there are unfortunately ways to cheat.
Please don’t tell me what’s not going on, etc., but how one can verify one another on free will, so that buyers and sellers can be relatively certain that the one is for whom he gives himself.
Then I wouldn’t buy it. Either you trust or not.
Alternatively, pay with PayPal Friends, then you can get the money back.
I would like to say that I buy a lot and often online, new and used. Would also say that I am very experienced in the digital world, unfortunately there are now statistics that on used portals every 20th purchase of a supposed bargain is a fraud.
The scams collect foreign accounts that are not well protected password and are not used. It is almost impossible to find out if the seller is also the one he spends on.
Or they send you a shipping number of a regular package where then simply a stone is in place of the expensive article.
Until there’s something they’re about all the mountains
Then you can only do two things:
Either you take the risk, or you’re counting on it.
I shall now only respond to really constructive answers. It’s too bad for the rest. Sorry, somebody’s trying to talk to you.
I’m not looking for a bullshit. I just answered honestly that there is no real possibility.
They don’t exist. Everyone can lie.
I would never have come to it.
That is why I am looking for simple ways of verifying each other in mutual agreement