Losing “von” in the name through, for example, disinheritance?
We are currently studying the topic of nobility in class and I was wondering whether one can lose the nobility title (through disinheritance, for example).
Thanks for answers in advance.
The nobility was abolished in Germany on 14.08.1919.
Thus, a “from” and/or “to” has nothing to do with a nobility at all, but are remains of eternal-minded people who still hang something that hasn’t existed for a long time. This the state no longer passes through surprises me very much, after all the abolition of the nobility has been constitutional.
Therefore, if someone else calls himself “of” and/or “to” this constitutional offense is insofar as it pretends to be something which is prohibited by the Basic Law (Art. 123).
Ultimately, “from” and “to” is just a name addition and the one can win or lose it as little as you lose your second first name.
So if you’re called “Fynn Anton Meyer” and the “Fynn von Meyer” willingness – there I find Anton as a second name but more beautiful. More importantly, the “of” is not.
No, the aristocratic “of” is just part of your name.
You can’t lose it.
in the past? I don’t know 100%, but I think if you were a criminal.
So a ancestor of Mayor Wöller was once the count of HOhenwöller. It was in the 14th century. But he was a robber, so he was executed, but he lost all the nobility titles before. Same of his descendants, of course.
This is probably no longer possible today. Otherwise, the family of those of Anhalt had long since successfully processed against all the pimps that could be adopted.
There is no longer an Erbadel in Germany. Adelskennzeichen such as Prince or also of are components of the name. The use of these components has only the carrier or carrier of the name decision sovereignty.
No, you can’t lose a name.
In Germany, it is not possible, since there has been no aristocracy and no more titles since 1919. The former nobles have become part of the last name. This means that “to Gutenberg” is the same as “Müller”.
There are no more nobility titles that are drawn as such – the “of” is an integral part of a name and you can’t take a surname away;)
If you change your name, you lose it from
You can’t take the last name away, but change leave.