Von Hugo nicht betrunken?

Hab zum ersten mal Alkohol getrunken, ungefähr die halbe Flasche Hugo und ich muss sagen, ich spüre GARNICHTS. Ich bin 18 , weiblich, 160cm und 50kg. Während dem trinken hab ich mich manchmal nervös gefühlt obwohl ich keine angst hatte, bzw da hab ich den Alkohol gespürt aber ich kann echt sagen ich bin weder betrunken noch angetrunken. Ist was falsch mit mir? Ich hab nur das selbe Gefühl wie wenn ich ein Energydrink trinke und sonst bin ich normal..

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

A little bit you seem to have felt. Generally speaking, it is very individual how alcohol acts on a human being. In addition to gender, size, weight and, of course, dose, genetics, accusation, stomach content, emotional condition, daily form and drinking speed play a role.

My tip: Always drink slowly and consciously when you drink. Alcohol already acts after a few minutes, but it can take 30 to 60 minutes until it passes completely into the blood and completely unfolds its effect. On the other hand, a full stomach slows this process, sugar and carbonic acid accelerating it more.

It means that from the time when you stop drinking, the effect can only increase a little further, which is particularly unpleasant and dangerous when you stop until it is too much for you.

Alcohol poisoning: A real emergency, https://www.kenn-dein-limit.info/effects/was-ist-one-alcohol poisoning/

2 years ago

Depends on the consumption time.

Here you can calculate the promille ca.: https://www.smart-computer.de/promille/computer.php

2 years ago

Drugs are usually subtle when you take smaller amounts.

If you drank more, you’d notice something, I promise.

2 years ago

that is 350ml one and a half cups and the stuff has 7 percent or so

Of course you feel nix

2 years ago

Well, there’s hardly any alcohol in HUGO!

So you can’t feel that and taste it…

2 years ago

It’s not much alcohol.

2 years ago

hugo has quite little alcohol content

2 years ago
Reply to  JoeBijen

Ne half bottle should be dense, especially at 50kg, which are almost 2 beer

2 years ago
Reply to  Philipp3141

2 beer 😂 as sweet

2 years ago
Reply to  JoeBijen

Yes, but you can get drunk, it has more alcohol than beer.

2 years ago

But with everyone, alcohol reacts differently, I also remember at nem liter hugo nix

2 years ago

or drink a bit too much

That’s it

2 years ago

So I’m going to

2 years ago

Then you just wear alk very well and or are very heavy and or drink a bit too much

2 years ago

I drink a whole vodka bottle without problems.

2 years ago

If you drink two beers in a short time and are not drunk, you probably have a problem with alcohol

100ml Vodka, that’s 1.5 beer. After that you are directly drunk