Von Frankfurt Flughafen fern Bahnhof zu den S-Bahnen?

Hallo wie finde ich die S-Bahnen vom Flughafen Fernbahnhof ich steh immer auf Gleis 4 und finde nie die S-Bahnen da gibt es ja von den Gleisen jz zbsp Gleis 4 eine Treppe hoch die bin ich hochgegangen weil mir jemand gesagt hat das ich die Treppe hoch muss wenn man dann oben ist sieht man ja wieder sowas wie Bäcker Informationen usw aber da weiß ich nie weiter es ist auch nicht abgeschildert wo die S-Bahnen sein können kann mir jemand da vielleicht helfen?

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3 years ago

There are two stations at Frankfurt Airport.

FERNBAHNHO: for this, the escalators go up between the exit hall A and B and follow the signs to the remote station, tracks 4 to 7.

REGIONAL BHNHOF: You drive from departure or arrival with escalators down to the sun as it goes and then follow the signs to the regional railway station, tracks 1 to 3.

It’s easy. And you can ask all employees about it.

When you arrive at the distance station, you first take escalators or elevator up into the vaulted glass hall of the distance station. Then you run the other direction Terminal, followed by a long bridge tunnel, which also has a treadmill. At the end, turn right around the corner. After 35 meters, turn left, then run on a kind of laminate.

Then before you get to the departure hall, you will head right towards FAC, Frankfurt Airport Center and right again. There are 2x 2 elevators opposite. You are on level 3.

If you want to direction Mainz and Wiesbaden, then select level 01, you land on tracks 2 and 3, that is correct for this direction.

If you want to go to Frankfurt HBF, Offenbach, Hanau, Dietzenbach etc, Südbahnhof, i.e. to the east, then go with the elevator only to level 0, then take the escalators direction Frankfurt from track 1.

It’s all simple, there’s no one. Distance station has tracks 4 to 7, regional station 1 to 3.

Kris, UserMod Light
3 years ago

The regional railway station is well signposted.

You get out, go upstairs to the hall. From there a long corridor goes towards terminals. Before going to the right, left escalators lead to the basement level of the airport. From there you come with another escalator to the track towards Frankfurt or with another one towards Wiesbaden.

3 years ago

You have to get down to the regional station. There are no S-Bahn trains at the remote station.

3 years ago
Reply to  Angel290003

Ask people orientate yourself at the signs. And don’t say that this is not signposted, hardly a location is as well as the Frankfurt airport.

I can’t carry you.

3 years ago
Reply to  Stellwerk

Sometimes the trains run from the railway station, even quite often. I’m working at FRA airport and wondering more about it. But it’s all signposted. When you arrive at the remote station, you go towards the terminal. You can also take the lifts at the FAC, then you can leave sharply to the right as soon as you have left and left through the feeder tunnel, this is the laminate floor. There are 4 elevators. They take one to level 0. If you drive one deeper, to 01, then you land on tracks 2 and 3. From there goes to Mainz and Wiesbaden. If you want to track 1 towards Frankfurt HBF, Hanau, Offenbach, Dietzenbach, you cannot drive to 01, but take 0, then escalator. However, it also goes down via escalators in the departure area.

I’ll be back tomorrow at 10:30 am, and I’ll take all the lost ones.