Getting drunk from 0.5% alcohol?
Hi, good morning, my father bought a case of six non-alcoholic beers and the non-alcoholic beer contains zero 0.5% alcohol and he will get drunk if he drinks all six bottles
Hi, good morning, my father bought a case of six non-alcoholic beers and the non-alcoholic beer contains zero 0.5% alcohol and he will get drunk if he drinks all six bottles
This is an anonymous survey. You don't need to write anything 🙂
Whenever I had something to drink, [alcohol] I have extreme hot flashes the next day. Is that normal?
I read that beer is extremely harmful for young people. Is this also the case if I (16 years old) drink one to two beers (50 to 100 milliliters) per month, or is it not so dangerous in such small amounts? Thanks in advance to all the replies!
Yes, the question is above. Does anyone know
Hi. I was once at a friend's party, and they had an alcoholic mixture with iced tea powder in a huge tub, but I've forgotten exactly what the mixture was. It tasted really good, and you couldn't really tell if there was any alcohol in it. She said something about 5 liters of water with…
Nein, um von alk frei betrunken zu werden müsste man mehrere Liter schnell hintereinander trinken, also schneller als es der Körper abbauen kann.
Nope wird er nicht.
Nein, in der Zeit, die er zum Trinken benötigt, wird der Alkohol ja schon wieder abgebaut.
Wird er betrunken, wenn er eine 0,33-Flasche Bier mit 5% Alkohol trinkt? Das wäre ja dieselbe Menge
Nein davon wird er garantiert Nicht betrunken