Vollgas mit kaltem Motor erzeugt Geräusche?
hab meinen BMW (6 Zylinder Turbodiesel) letztens mit kaltem Motor bis ca. 3500 Umdrehungen getreten. Dabei entstanden recht unschöne Geräusche im Motorraum. Eine Art Klackern. Dieses verschwand sofort nachdem ich vom Gas ging.
Wenn der Motor warm ist und ich den bis auf 4000 bis 5000 Umdrehungen hochdrehe, vernehme ich dieses Geräusch nicht.
Ich weiß natürlich, dass man einen kalten Motor nicht treten sollte, war ne absolute Ausnahme. Dieses Geräusch ist dennoch nicht normal, oder? Was könnte das sein und muss ich damit in die Werkstatt? Auto fährt ja ansonsten problemlos.
Apart from the fact that0 you don’t get a cold engine up to the stop, that’s what you’ve heard less tragic.
That’s where the hydraulic tappets made themselves noticeable. the cold and tough oil does not come quickly enough into the rams to fill them. Then the valves have game and one hears a strong flap.
With a warm engine, it’s usually gone.
However, oil consumption should keep an eye on it!
Do it more often, then the regular clackers become a loud bang.
This is then the moment when the cold oil film tears and at least one piston works dry, clamps and loudly segnets the temporal.
After that you can be stress-free ÖPNV-Reisender again…
As already mentioned in the question, it was an exception. How high can you turn a cold diesel engine at most?
Up to 2,500 Max better even 2.200
Then there’s nothing but it can be that there’s an urgent change of oil?
Not really. I’ve been filling up a lot lately.
I would also see the software if oil was missing.
And since when did refill replace the oil change??? Such phenomena like to occur when the oil is fixed and finished.
That’s bullshit!
And then, “much refilled”? Then something doesn’t fit your engine if the oil so much is consumed
Yeah, I should. Maybe a lot longer short distance? That’s what makes the oil tidy. Because, as you describe it, it is now on the oil. Diesel can dilute it extremely and condensation water worsens that still. 100km highway with some speed and then cold again. If nothing happens, my thesis is true.
Last oil change was in October last year. I’ve been driving less than 10,000km since. Should fit.
The valves have more play in the cold state and make these sounds!
So this is relatively normal? I didn’t have a car. But were never motorized so strongly.