Vollabi mit einem durchschnitt schlechter als 3.0?
Hey ich kriege morgen mein halbjahreszeugnis und muss mich damit bewerben bei den Weiteeführenden schulen und ich möchte vollabi machen. Mein durchschnitt wird aber in den Haupfächern 3,6 und insgesamt 3,1 oder 3,3 sein. Sollte ich mich trotzdem bewerben?
Klarooo!!! In normal gymnasiums it could be difficult with the cut but in professional gymnasiums it is usually no matter. Had no good cut in the 10. Class and now make my normal grade just stop at a professional school, as my cut was not good and I had no second foreign language before.
Don’t worry. You’re lucky that the take-off capacity is so great with you. With us in South Bavaria, with these notes probably have problems.
No, it doesn’t make sense, it’s just too bad.
You can apply. But you shouldn’t be
Of course you can apply.
But honestly:
If you’re so weak at the simple real school that you don’t even get good grades in the main subjects, how are you gonna get the Abi?