Vogeljunges gefunden. -hilfebedürftig?
Hab’s gerade mitten auf der Straße liegend gesehen. Hat bissel plumsig mit den Flügeln geflattert, ist aber nicht von der Stelle gekommen. Weglaufen tat es auch nd. Braucht der Hilfe ? Oder wieder zurück setzen.
Put it back where you found it. Parents take care of it. You don’t just take asses!
Take-away means safe death for the bird.
Sorry I didn’t know it was in the middle of the road
Then put it on the side of the road to a protected place.
Then it is best placed in a protected area as close as possible (in sight/range).
You have to reset the Meise immediately! You kidnapped her parents! You kidnapped her parents! They also keep them outside the nest until they can fly. Take her back where you found her. Please as soon as possible!
There’s such a guy that raises baby birds. Maybe you can take a look.