Vogelfutterhaus bauen?
Mein Nachbar fordert von mir, dass keine Tauben mehr im Futterhaus gefüttert werden. ( wilde Ringeltauben) Er hasst Tauben. Nun habe ich ein Vogelhaus aus Plastik, wo sie nicht mehr landen können. Das ist o.k.. Aber: Amseln können da nun auch nicht mehr landen und ich das finde ich extrem schade. Hat jemand eine Idee für ein Vogelhaus wo alle Vögel ohne Taben fressen können?
Ich hatte bei der Stadt nachgefragt. Er kann mich anzeigen wenn ich seine Forderung nicht nachkomme, obwohl es keine Stadttauben sind. Sondern 4 Ringeltauben.
Ansonsten daref man Vögel füttern auf seinem eigenen Grundstück.
So we hung a fodder column on a branch for the horses. They’re flying on them, picking up a sunflower seed and flying away again. Sparrows don’t make it and no pigeons. Nevertheless, the pigeons at the bottom then collect the rest. But this is no longer an active feeding.
By the way, we also have two couples Ringeltauben.
Thank you. Since we have rats, it is important that nix falls on the ground.
It would be important to me that Amseln can eat. We don’t have sparrows.
Then you have to educate your birds so that they really don’t drop anything! Have you ever seen her before? They’re flying in, picking up one or two grains and flying out. They usually don’t eat inside. When flying out and flying clean it can be that a few grains fall down. They then collect our pigeons before the rats arrive at night.
Our pigeons are no longer coming. I only see them out of the distance….
Amseln are flexible and adaptable all-eaters, but throughout the year at least in small quantities Animal Food relies.
The main components of animal food are rainworms and beetles up to the size of the maize beetle, regularly also snails, haemorrhages, thousand feet, spiders and various insect stages are used.
Will say they only resort to grain feed in absolute emergency. If there is no animal food or berries, fruit and the like.
With me they were in the birdhouse right away when I started feeding. They ate oat flakes. That’s not what it was.