Found a baby bird, what to do?
I found this baby bird on the ground. It was alone, and I thought it had fallen from a tree or something, but I didn't find a nest or anything, so I took it with me. I already have two cockatiels and two budgies at home, and I know a lot about birds. Can someone tell me if this is still a chick, and preferably, what kind? It can't fly yet.
Please return the little one immediately and find him as close as possible to the site a protected seat!
It’s quite safe Amount, that is, a bird rodent who has left the nest to learn to fly and become independent. But he is still fed with food by his parents.
Please return to the site immediately.
It is a young bird who has already left the nest, but is still fed by his parents.
It is quite normal that young birds often stop at the ground.
this is an ass and belongs immediately brought back where you found him. These young animals are fed by the parents on the ground.
Please bring the little one back right away from where you took him, as far as possible, under a shrub or in a thicket. It’s still time. His parents are probably looking for him desperately.
You don’t have to worry about him, the parents do. And they can do that much better than people. The little branch now has to learn how to fly and feed himself and what enemies he has to take care of. You can’t teach him that. Let him go!
You should not take vogelbabys with it could be that the mother comes back
it was on the floor!
That’s exactly where you’re bringing him back – young Amseln jumping around the ground and waiting for the parents who sometimes come by to feed.
That doesn’t matter just because you don’t see a nest, it doesn’t mean there’s one
And that’s the reason just because I don’t see a nest to take a bird baby away from the mother maybe
Well, then I guess you’re wrong, because it’s not an amsel!
Google simply pictures as well as it is generally known
from where do you know that this is an amsel
Looks like a tree runner
Oh, no, that’s not so good. Birds don’t need until they grow up and can fly, but parents think they’re gone and go easy. That’s why you have to try to feed the bird.
No, bird puppies usually look for their offspring for a while. Within the same day, he is usually not a problem to bring an ass back.
It’s so sweet 😊🤗
I’d take it to the vet as soon as possible. Maybe it has something worse.
You should take care of it by then.
Veterinaries do not fit on animals, several times I have heard that the animal only sleeps
And where do you go to the vet if your animals are bad?
Why do you answer if you have no idea? You’re making things worse.
It is a young bird who has left the nest, but is still fed by his parents!
Why are you taking a wild bird? Bring him back so that the parents feed him!
Wait until the bird gets bigger and then release
but he is no longer “wild” and cannot survive it
Why not go wild? He lives outside and that’s called wild birds
And how do you think the other birds will survive? You have to wait until it is big enough to survive yourself
It’s better off!
No, but you make a big mistake. Give him back to his parents you’re just violating the law
did I ask you for your opinion?
Simply open beak and mix bread with water and make it in beak. Soon grows
Don’t! Young birds generally do not need insects and bread.
Yes Beetle, Grillen, Regenwürmer du pz lemonsqueezy Is enough or you crawl out of the spider net which
Bread swells up and can lead to death in birds and many other animals!
Apart from that, the young bird should be returned to the site as the parents will return for his care.
Boys are not supposed to eat grain products – they die. Already the beak shows that the stochers in the soil after worms and accordingly he needs worms and insects.
At Taube it was different then sorry.
Oky thank you ^ that had been really lucky
This also applies to pigeons, ducks, wild boars, rabbits, horses and what else is fed with bread!
Bread is very dangerous for most animals and can lead to suffocation.
The pigeon was lucky. Better for them would have been grains and seedlings!