Vogel stirbt kurz noch dem Tod ihres Partner’s?
Hallo zusammen vielleicht kann mor jemand diese Frage beantworten.
Wir halten schon seit einiger Zeit Laufenten und hatten vor 2 Jahren in der brut ein Pärchen dabei (2 Weibchen die sich immer ein gemeinsames Nest bauen und die Eier ausbrüten und auch die jungen groß ziehen).
Nun ist eine von ihnen gestorben (Pilz Vergiftung) vor zwei Tagen, seit dem liegt die andere immer in der nahe vom Grab und frisst nicht mehr und gestern abend kam sie nicht zum stall, wir haben sie dann später Tod im Wasser in der nahe vom Grab gefunden.
Kann es sein das sie aus Trauer gestorben ist, wie es z.b. bei Schwänen oder wellensitichen der fall ist?
We used to have waves. Two of them had a very intimate relationship, they were always sitting together and slept close to each other.
As the one suddenly died, the other unfortunately did not last long. He stopped eating and drinking and didn’t flew around like usual. Not long later he died. It was very sad.
We currently have cats. Again this situation. Two of the cats are really the best mates. grew up and squat together, etc.
One unfortunately had an accident and died in front of one. The other is now very retracted, marked and cuddly less.
I do not believe that he will go from us (and hope not) but animals can build up an emotional bond just as we, vlt stronger, because they are more loyal and loving 😉
I think this will be an explanation. Singing, mourning, etc. I’d take this seriously, and I’d say it’s the cause.
My condolences…
Two females are not a couple. You just understood well. Probably, there weren’t enough reels available to both find their own partner.
Common nesting often occurs in posture. Two or more animals choose a nest together.
I find it more likely that the second duck has died on the same cause than the first. If a poison eats and the two were always together, the second will have eaten away. It’s a little less, and it’s been a long time.
No mourning would kill a healthy animal within two days. Animals can die of segregation, but this does not happen within a few days.
How do you know the first duck had a fungal poisoning? Did you confess when the mushrooms were fed? Actually, most animals know what is eatable and what is not. My ducks avoid the poisonous plants.
Well, they’ve stopped like a couple of behaviors, I mean, Erpel were there enough.
In addition, I did not confess, but we have an old temple that eats small amounts of flying mushrooms again and again (usually sitting insects on the mushroom and then eating what of the fungus) he also often has the same symptoms, but these hit briefly (1-3th) after eating and disappeared after a few hours.
And after the death of the first duck we have disposed of all mushrooms, so I don’t think it was.
The animals may have absorbed the poison at the same time. Just hold in different amounts. Each animal reacts slightly differently, especially in small quantities.
When you removed the mushrooms, it was probably already too late.
The animals build such an intense relationship on that until the dead she divorces and then when one dies so much the other is in mourning that she no longer wants to eat, etc.
Yeah, that happens in many animals.