Vogel im Keller was tun?

Also ja. ..Ich weiß nicht wie aber ein Vogel sitzt bei uns im Keller auf der Waschmaschine. Ich glaube er ist verletzt. Was soll ich jetzt tun? Habt ihr Nummern von Tier Organisationen? Und wenn ja muss ich ihn einfangen? Ich will ihn keine Angst machen

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5 years ago

Look at the phone number of animal rescue in your city or the nearest major city. They can help.

5 years ago

Call NABU and ask for help. They will help you and tell you a suitable entry station in your area. Just googlen.

5 years ago

Maybe you can catch the bird if you do as little light as possible in the basement, just as much that you can still see the bird. You can also try to throw a not too heavy cloth over the bird. Then you can grab him carefully. The animal emergency pick-up stations pick up injured animals, or you ask a veterinarian what to do. At this time, however, it should be difficult to achieve those.

5 years ago

Many veterinarians treat wildlife for free. From in a cardboard with him (please be careful and with air holes, gloves do not forget who knows what the little guy has) and go to the vet of your trust.

5 years ago

I recommend calling nabu