Vogel gegen die Fenster Scheibe geflogen ist er tot?
Und zwar ist ein Vogel gegen die Fenster Scheibe von meinem Balkon geflogen er lebte erstmal als ich ich in den Hand nahm ich gab ihm Wasser zum trinken doch Dan bewegte er sich nicht mehr ich hielt ihn für tot und begrabte ihn jedoch hab ich jtz auf Google gelesen das es auch sein kann das er nur bewusstlos war deshalb hab ich jetzt ein schlechtes Gefühl . Und außerdem was für ein Vogelart ist es ich kenn mich in dem Thema nähmlich nicht so gut aus
Consciousness would normally have to be used in the collision with the disc and not later.
After he moved before, he probably died of the head injury.
As far as you can see this on a photo, he also looks dead.
The right approach when a bird flew somewhere against, so had a collision:
Secure the bird and put it upright in a towel nest (like a doughnut / neck cushion shaped), put in a cardboard with air holes from the inside to the outside, put the cardboard locked in a quiet space. With sufficient room temperature (over 20°), but please do not have an additional heat source! Absolute rest is the most important. Please do not give food and drink! Birds are generally not supposed to be flooded with water, there is danger of choking.
It is important that the bird sits upright in a towel nest as it gets very bad air lying on the side or back.
To see if he’s still alive, you can see if you can see a breath and tap some of the eye songs to see if there’s a reaction. What you can also see if a bird has died: become a bird after they have died quickly stiff.
If the bird should still live (if something happens again):
Then please contact the Facebook group Wildvogelhilfe-Notfalls, where you can then post the “collection sacrifice” file into the comments or see “files” for the file “collection sacrifice”. There are other important information.
After about 2 hours (for small singing birds such as, for example, gold chicken 1 hour), a maximum of 4 hours can be seen as the bird goes. Go to a small room whose windows are darkened and look carefully. In the file in the green box are criteria for checking. Only if the bird meets all these criteria can he be released again. This should be in any case close to the site as he knows his food sources, water places, brooding and possibly his partner there. If he does not meet the criteria, please post a post in the mentioned Facebook group, there can then be looked after a specialist care center for the bird and/or it can be called a bird-in-law veterinarian.
Don’t just bring a bird to some veterinarian, because most veterinarians don’t know about birds, it can happen that the bird is mistreated or even unnecessarily inflated. Birds should therefore only be brought to veterinarians who are competent, they can be called a Facebook group mentioned above.
There are other files in the group, such as “cat victim”, “unfated nestling” etc., which you can also look at and read through, so that you can already know how to proceed best in case you find a needy bird. There was also the “Preventing a Vogelschlag” file, with information on how to prevent this in the future.
And: If you have any questions about wild birds that do not concern a current emergency, please contact the Facebook group “Rund um die Wildvogelhilfe” and ask for it. Here, unfortunately, many people give an answer that does not even know.
If you don’t have Facebook and don’t want to download it, you can ask them from your environment (family, friends, work colleagues, classmates, acquaintances, neighbors, …) if they can post a post for you in the group and forward the information to you.
A sparrow and buddle it out again!!!
And then, mouth for beak breathing?
No, but maybe you’ll learn to make sure that the animal is really dead.
You can do that with a bird. The heartbeat is quite clear.