vodafone vertrag auf bessere Leitung wechseln?
Ich habe seit Juni diesem jahr meinen Internetanschluss von Vodafone. Abgesehen von den ganzen Problemen die die grad sowieso haben ist mir meine Leitung einfach zu langsam.
Gibt es die Möglichkeit auf eine bessere Leitung upzugraden?
Well, again someone who thinks Wi-Fi is the Internet..
Wi-Fi is a wireless transmission standard for local networks and has to do with the internet nix per se. Thus, Vodafone is not responsible for your WLAN.
Your problem can therefore be at 2 points:
Yes, for setting up your Wi-Fi You responsible. Vodafone only provides internet access (DSL, cable, fiber optic, LTE). What happens between your router and the end devices is your thing.
You have to ask Vodafone.
How much MBit/s do you have now? Is there any fiber or only DSL in your house?
DSL is limited to 250 MBit/s, while 1 GBit/s is offered for glass fiber.
Wi-Fi is also technically limited. You should note that.
LG Knom
you have forgotten Cable, what Vodafone also offers up to 1 Gbit/s in download
Oh, yes, I forgot.
Thanks for the hint.
LG Knom
No, you have no “WLAN von vodafone”
You have an internet contract from Vodafone.
There’s the possibility, but only if the lines are waiting for you. For this, you can also perform a broadband test online or ask the support on the phone.
There is the possibility, yes.
But you have to call and ask the possibilities.
If this is available, no problem.