Vodafone Station nur kaufen?

Weiß jemand ob man nur den Vodafone Station Wifi im Vodafone laden auch kaufen kann , also ohne n Vertrag zu machen, einfach nur Station bezahlen mitnehmen und gehen? Ich will eventuell n Telekom oder o2 Internet Vertrag aber Vodafone Station gefällt mir besser zum anschauen.

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3 months ago

You can basically buy a router. If the connector fits the previous connector. Since Vodafone but cable internet and 02/ Telekom DSL becomes difficult.

3 months ago

I can’t do that. https://www.vodafonekabelforum.de/viewtopic.php?t=46246

But just ask: What do you want with a Vodafone station at Telekom? You could not use them for the internet connection there as Deutsche Telekom does not sell cable contracts. And a warning in advance: Besorg’ You better not have a Vodafone Station on a market à la classifieds if you wanted to make a cable contract with O2 – it can be good that it will not be unlocked.

3 months ago


I’m a big Fritzbox fan. My mother-in-law had vodaphone ettluchen years ago, I found the menu terrifying, but will certainly have changed over the years.

Evtl. Buy used, I don’t know if they want the old things back.

At det altwn Box, which lies with me in the basement (or perhaps already dispossessed) I had thought to make an OS drsuf and use it differently but had never discovered a sensible application for me.

3 months ago

No, why do you want one Cable router buy?

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Do you have a cable connection?