Vitamine als Tabletten?

Hallo Ihr. Wer kennt sich bischen mit Vitaminen aus?

Mein Ziel ist ja eigentlich so viel wie möglich über eine gesunde Ernährung abzudecken, aber bei welchen Vitaminen macht es Sinn sie auch als Tablette zusätzlich zu nehmen?

Ich denke darüber nach Regelmässig folgende 3 Vitamine zu nehmen.

Magnesium (weil ich manchmal Krämpfe habe)

Vitamin D (fehlt ja fast jeden)

Zink (für ein gutes Imunsystem)

Wie denkt Ihr über das ganze, mit den Vitaminen?

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1 year ago

I generally do not think of taking tablets without knowing if there is a need.

Taking magnesium as required is quite sensible. “However,” does not mean taking a shower tablet every day – but at cramps.

Vitamin D should only be supplemented if there is a deficiency – it needs a blood count.

Zinc – I wouldn’t take regular. Firstly, it is in sufficient food, secondly, too high a dosage is dangerous and thirdly, the positive effect of zinc as a freely available food supplement is questionable anyway.

As you have already recognized, a balanced diet is essential – if you do a regular check-up and check your blood values, this is perfect.

1 year ago

I am a fan of supplements and just vitamin D and magnesium are often missing, just like zinc. Since I know that everything like jsmall tongs intertwines, I take complexes where everything is coordinated.

The values of the school medal, which say that you are adequately supplied, will be blatantly different from the values of a healing intern, where you are really well served.

1 year ago
  • Magnesium: It’s not a vitamin, it’s a mineral. But if you want to listen to what 2 doctors have said. Doctor responds: UNFASSBAR! 7 medical myths exposed! Too many believe [Reaction DocMike] Magnesium as a supplement goes from 12:50.
  • Vitamin D: In the German winter, everyone has to supplement if you don’t want to get into a shortage. Then please do not recommend as little as the DGE, but advise as much as specialist doctors. (This is the 5-fold amount. Make yourself smart about it. Information from doctors is available on the net.)
  • zinc: Be careful, you can negotiate a copper deficiency.
  • With your goal of covering as much as possible about a healthy diet, you are on a good way. I have heard from a physicist: “As soon as you do something different than it pretends to be natural, you should check exactly if you are still on the right path.” Quite often – often unfortunately only very late – it has not proved to be good to pluck nature into the craft, even if it was well meant. Without a diagnosed deficiency or an expected deficiency, I wouldn’t swallow anything artificial. What was well-intentioned can have bad consequences because you don’t know larger relationships. No means works for themselves alone, but fits into a very complex bio system with diverse co- and interactions that are difficult to recognize all. With natural way of life, one is usually in the natural balance to which our body – through evolution – is adapted. (Vitamin D we also need because we need a life at 50. Width not adapted.)
1 year ago

Zinc is cured only about 6 weeks, not permanently.

I’d only take magnesium as you need, so if you just call it a cramp, but not permanently.

Vitamin D supplements I see very critical.
I’d have to check it out to the doctor if you really have a deficiency and it’s necessary to take vitamin D drops.

If one has too much of it, there can be a vitamin D poisoning.

Overall, I wouldn’t just advise to get rid of vitamins or minerals blindly, but really only if you need.

1 year ago

Vitamin D yes, zinc over winter you can take but probably not be magnesium not regularly but only until the cramps no longer occur

1 year ago

Vitamin B complex and vitamin C + zinc, I find good.

1 year ago

Vitd3 combined with k2, omega3, zinc can calm and magnesium if it helps you

1 year ago

make a blood picture and see what you need.

1 year ago

B12, iron and magnesium