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2 years ago

I have heard that such tablets from the drugstore are not so recommended as they have some bad ingredients inside.

But I can recommend the Innonature page.
They have such extremely good things to take. And with each product you can read what they are good for and what they want.

I used to buy drugs from the drugstore, but now I’m just here. Are a bit more expensive but you can make sure that everything has been made great and well assembled:)

2 years ago

So I take vitamin C + zinc in the cold season and have the impression that it helps my rather weak immune system to stay healthy. LG

2 years ago


On Wikipedia you will find how it started that Roche earns money with tartaric acid.

The industrial production of vitamin C began in 1934 by Roche in Switzerland (redoxone), the former research manager Markus Guggenheim but was skeptical about actual needs and benefits.[15] The demand for this was initially low.[16] However, the marketing could be stimulated by the skillful marketing and use of fears (subsidiary).[17]

In the same way, the sale of vitamin tablets and dietary supplements still works today.

2 years ago

Damage can certainly not be caused by these preparations.

2 years ago

These are cheap and not high quality. Which ones from the pharmacy are better.

2 years ago
Reply to  TsukiWriter

It depends on the amount of ingredients!

2 years ago
Reply to  TsukiWriter

In those from the pharmacy, with the same preparation, the same substances are contained.

2 years ago
Reply to  Serenety78

Often there are other forms of substances. In magnesium, for example magnesium citrate or magnesium oxide