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1 year ago

In the bar at the top is the tab View listed as third. There you will find the Toolbox and all the other windows.

lg Suiram1

1 year ago
Reply to  Heyoleude

To use the toolbox buttons, etc in your application, you need to create a WinForms or WPF application.

1 year ago

What do you mean by visual view? Unfortunately, you gave too little information. Do you mean Windows Forms? If so, you have to double-click the form1.cs (or how you named it). Provided of course, you are in a Windows Forms project.

You can find the toolbox here if it is not enabled:

1 year ago
Reply to  Heyoleude

So again: Are you talking about Windows Forms? In Visual Studio and C# there is not one project with visual representation, but many. You need to get more accurate and if you mean Windows Forms, then I told you in my answer how to get into the designer

1 year ago

If you choose C#, yes. There are also F#, C++, VB.NET, … Drag & Drop is only available in Windows Forms for the GUI. At WPF, you have XAML, a type of XML format, and everything that the program is to do does not happen with magic. You need to program this in the selected language

1 year ago

If you have a console, you can’t use any graphic elements like buttons. If you want to have a GUI, you need to start a project like WPF or Windows Forms so you can use buttons, labels, etc. Start a console project, you don’t have the features (except you’re building your project manually, which usually takes longer than starting a new project)