VISA Kreditkarte ohne Gehalt beantragen?
Ich mache bald ein Auslandssemester und möchte eine Kreditkarte beantragen (da meine Debitkarte dort meistens nicht akzeptiert wird und hohe Gebühren anfallen). Ich bin jedoch Studentin und habe zurzeit kein Teilzeitjob bzw. meine Eltern und Bafög unterstützen mich. Darf ich dann trotzdem eine Kreditkarte beantragen?
Yeah, it shouldn’t be a problem with some banks. Advanzia actually gives everyone a credit card, even with Barclays and the DKB it usually works without any problems.
Otherwise, there is also a Visa or Mastercard Debit, free of charge at N26, bunq, Vivid, Revolut, Wise and how they all feel.
If your parents support you and trust you, they can apply for you a partner card from their account.
If nothing goes – there are prepaid credit cards
They have less acceptance than any debit.
Most set minimum requirements, and since you probably have no positive credit history, you will probably not get a credit, especially with current interest and inflation. Nothing else is a credit card, it is a variety of short term credits.
Of course you can apply for this.
You probably won’t get her because of lack of credit.
Still great success!
It’s nowhere as easy to get a credit card as in Germany, even without income you’ll be thrown behind.
If you have a bank account that is covered, the payments are debited from there.
You may request if you get one is another thing ☝️😜